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The Craft

Resources, guides and inspiration for the modern-day beverage professional.

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Quality Over Quantity: How Gen Z's Drinking Trends Are Shaping the Future of Alcohol

Behavioral and consumer trends shift with each generation, but none more than with Gen Z. The impact...

February 2024: New Beer, Wine and Spirit Releases

Introducing February's new featured product releases courtesy of Beverage Media Group's latest print...

4 Trends That Will Define The Beverage Alcohol Industry in 2024

Each year we present the latest trends happening in the beverage alcohol industry. Some of them have...

The Boom of Non-Alc: —How to Capitalize on Non-Alcoholic Drinks Market

At the time of writing this article, we're on the cusp of the summer season — a period traditionally...

Planning for the New Year: How Bar and Retail Businesses Can Set Themselves Up for Success in 2024

It’s a new year. A fresh set of calendar days for your bar, restaurant or retail business. A clean s...

Tips & Strategies to Boost Business for Bars and Retailers in Winter

The hospitality business is a seasonal one, there’s no doubt about that. One minute we’re turning pe...

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