The Brand Pub by Provi

Viewing Product Catalogs & Requesting Updates

Written by The Provi Team | Mar 27, 2023 3:48:32 PM

A detailed process of how to view product catalogs on Provi and how to request updates if needed.

Viewing Products 

As a supplier, to preview products on the Provi marketplace: 

1.   Log in to the Provi supplier account -
          Having issues? Contact 

2.  Click the “Preview” button in the top right-hand corner. 

3.   Choose a market to preview in the top left corner, and then use the search box to search for specific brands or products. 


Requesting Updates

To request updates to any of the products listed, please take the following steps:  

  1. Download a copy of this Supplier Product Content Data Template
  2. Use the template to make desired updates 
  3. Email with desired updates, and feel free to add any additional context to the email